Florida nursing home falls are too common. Lawsuits arise out of Florida nursing home fall neglect cases.
What are the best nursing homes in Palm Beach County? Our elder abuse attorneys explain what to do when searching for the top nursing homes in Palm Beach County. Learn how to cut through the marketing and see which facilities top the list.
Forced nursing home arbitration is banned by the US government agency, CMS. As a result nursing home arbitration agreements will be unenforceable after November of 2016. This is a landmark decision which will greatly help residents and their families in the fight against nursing home abuse and neglect.
Medical mistakes in nursing homes and hospitals are a leading cause of death in elderly Americans. A recent study shows that nursing home errors lead to preventable injuries like bedsores and patient falls.
South Florida has some of the lowest ranked nursing homes in the nation. This article examines the most dangerous nursing homes in Miami, Broward and Palm Beach.
(C) 2021. All rights reserved. This is a lawyer website owned by Senior Justice Law Firm. Nothing on this site is to be considered legal advice. Visiting this website does not establish an attorney client relationship. Each Palm Beach nursing home or ALF case is different. Speak with a Palm Beach Nursing Home Injury lawyer to obtain relevant legal advice specific to your potential case. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask the attorney to send you free written information about his/her qualifications and experience. Offices: Boca Raton. Admitted to practice in Florida.